Your house is your home, inside and out!
Memorial Day weekend is busy, and there is a lot to honor and celebrate. This year the garden proved to be equally exciting. If you have a garden that blooms at various times through out the summer then you were so pleased to see the peony in full blossom, as well as a lot of other wonderful plants pushing their way through the ground. Everything is so lush this year.
If you have just moved into your new house, get inspired. If you are thinking about selling your house, this is a time to to enjoy the fruits of your labor! After all, your house is your home, inside and out!
While I was at home in Washington, CT last weekend, I went up to Cornwall to visit my friend Charlotte. Charlotte grew up in Darien, and when it came time to sell her family’s sensational Goodwives River home, she took a piece her childhood: a cutting of the roses her mother had planted. They are thriving in their new home!
Charlotte’s garden is one to love, and be inspired by!

The creeping hydrangea are so full and lush. It takes a long time to cultivate this, so get started!
Waldingfield Farm is a special compound that five generations have been lucky to enjoy. I am lucky to be part of the fourth generation. I was so happy to at home last weekend. It felt as if we were in full Summer. The gardens speak for themselves, but don’t think that the love here is without labor!

The breezeway, a special place to sit for lunch or with a book. The grapes that hang on the vine over the arches are beautiful but sour!

The peony boarder is spectacular this year. This is one of the best times in the garden! Note the Wisteria that is creeping along the house, headed to the pergola.

Doris, the goat, is from Marvin Gardens in Wilton, CT on Route 7. An exceptional resource for garden treasures!