Out of Town
It’s the middle of summer, so that means I am Down East. There is so much to do here you would think that I could lay off the real estate and enjoy what is absolutely one of the most special places on earth. (It is always a full schedule of hiking, walking, tennis and trips to Islesford, and tennis, hiking, walking…and lobster, and out to Cranberry…and much more). But, I cant resist taking a look at what’s on the market up here. Every summer I say to myself that this is the summer we will dive into the market ourselves. It has not happened yet 🙁
Who knows, maybe something will pique your interest. If so, give a call to Mia Thompson at The Knowles Company. She will give you the “grand tour”.
Here is what caught my attention
Barnacles Way. There are two cottages offered on this property. Shore Cottage, situated on the water, is truly unique. You would never be able to have a house that close to the water today. I believe it is “grandfathered in” so you would want to leave the deck and living room as it is. 155 +/- of shorefront, 3 Bedrooms, 3 baths, hanging over the Northeast Harbor Fleet and Scott’s Cove, as well as spectacular veiws out to Greenings Island and the Western mountains of Acadia National Park, is not something you will be able to duplicate. It is magical, even in the rain! Asking $3,250,000. Offered through The Knowles Company.

Sitting indoors or out, you feel the water and the magic of this island from inside these four walls. This summer cabin retreat can not be matched. This is the perfect house for a Remodelista project!
Coxe Cottage on Harbor Street is another property I think is the PERFECT “turn key” cottage. It is totally done ( the Maine way – with all the “mod con’s” but not like here in Fairfield County) and has SPECTACULAR views of Northeast Harbor. The new deck, wrapped in a fabulous cool nautical steel fence, is where you will plant your self when you are not off on the bike trails or out on the water. Just unpack for the Summer, or Columbus Day, or when you want to be here in this 4 bedroom, 3 1/2 baths bungalo, and look out over your 53 +/- of Harbor shorefront!
Its a fabulous in town location, which means its an easy walk to the Pine Tree Market or to the Mail Boat should you decide to take your bike out to Great Cranberry for a ride! Asking $1,400,000 offered by The Knowles Company.

The kitchen is not from 2013 but there is nothing to do here. It is a classic summer Maine kitchen. LOVE THAT!

Downstairs there is an additional space to put guests, and sliding doors to the lower lawn and path to the Harbor. Fab!
I came across a Boston based decorator that might have some great ideas once you got in here to make it your own. Check out her site Katie Rosenfeld Design and see what you think. I imagined rooms like this:

Saving the best for last. This deck is sensational! It wraps around the house and is accessible from two sides of the living room and the Master bedroom. Gorge!
Out on Great Cranberry, if you are looking for privacy AND bells and whistles, check out FISH POINT. Absolutely fabulous views of our beloved Acadia National Park as well as the sailing races going on each week. Life on Cranberry is special and unique; you will not find a better get-a-way than this. Bring your books, your music and bikes. (Leave the cocktail parties in NEH). Unplug and enjoy! 3 bedrooms, 3 1/2 baths, 325 +/- of shorefront and 3 moorings. Asking $1,590,000 offered through The Knowles Company.

The house comes with a 22′ Hampton Pulsifer launch. Or, come on over on the Mail Boat. Either way, you are 20/25 minn from the Northeast Harbor or South West Harbor docks. Or, check out Hinckley Yachts. Now that would be “the BOMB”!
I thought a quick peek of what is going on “Out of Town” might be a fun way to get through the summer since real estate can be slow this time of year. The Fall is upon us so we will be getting back out on the trail soon to show you what is fabulous and on the market here in Darien. We really look forward to it!
If you are currently working with an agent, this is not a solicitation.