Its Magical! (SOLD and CLOSED)

Friday, June 28, 2013

Out there on the point you may not find Ricardo Montalblan and Herve Villechaize to greet you, but you will absolutely find privacy and the cool Sound breeze!

Our very own Real Estate Goddess, Alice May Orr,  has listed 122 Delafield Island.  It is truly magical.  We have seen many properties to “ooh and ahh” at, but this one is simply breathtaking. Its nothing you would imagine you might find in Darien. And, I don’t imagine it will last on the market very long.  So, if you are looking for something that is like NOTHING ELSE available in Darien, you will want to see this.  Asking $11,500,000 through Kelly Associates.

Great old trees provide shade and privacy. Oh, wait, there is no one else out there!

Great old trees provide shade and privacy. Oh, wait, there is no one else out there!

The inside court yard that brings you back to another era.

The inside court yard that brings you back to another time.  Splendid comes to mind!

View from the indoor pool.

View from the indoor pool.  Something a little “West Coast’ about the indoor pool.

The Cabana

The Cabana.  Imagine what Meg Braff. could do with a room like this!

Your own dock.

Your own dock.  You can be out on the Sound for sunset cocktail hour anytime you want!

This property is really special.  There have been a few “one of a kind” properties on the market lately but this one REALLY is ONE OF A KIND.  Some will want to completely renovate.  Some may just want to clean it up, white wash the walls and create a smashing summer retreat only minutes from Manhattan.  (On the train of course.  Not sure you can buzz into Manhattan from the dock).  Either way, you can be sure there is nothing like this on the market and someone will be living in a very special place very soon!  If you would like to see this property, please call us!  We would love to show it to you.  Welcome to “Fantasy Island”!             If you are currently working with an agent, this is not a solicitation.

THE CREAM ALWAYS RISES TO THE TOP – Fabulous price adjustment!

Friday, June 21, 2013

After a while, walking into a house that has all the “bells and whistles”, and the proverbial “decorated and clean look”, makes no impression; it’s hard to distinguish one house from the other. Why is one better than the other? Not sure.

But, as we turned in to 3 Nolen Lane  I started to hear Handel’s Messiah blast through my head…”Hallelujah…Hallelujah!”  (If you haven’t sat to listen to that lately, now would be a good time). 5 bedrooms/ 6 full baths/ 2 1/2 baths, gorgeous pool, terraces, two fireplaces, cedar shingle roof, and a beautiful property. Depending on the tone you want to set with the decorating, I am thinking either Suzanne Kasler or Henrietta Spencer-Churchill would create a fabulous and livable space here.   Asking $2,925,000 by Sheree Frank at HOULIHAN LAWRENCE. SOLD AND CLOSED.

3 Nolen Lane. Asking $3,250,000

Beautifully maintained and not over manicured.

Fabulous. Original. Love this.

Fabulous. Original. Love this Lamp Post.  The Clematis is not bad either!

Beautiful antique outdoor lights. They are fabulous.

Beautiful antique outdoor lights. They are GORGE!

Always better up close and personal...

Always better up close and personal…

Beautiful property and gardening opportunities abound.

Beautiful property, and gardening opportunities abound.  Might be time to pop into Marvin Gardens up in Wilton! (Route 7).

Summer garden. Thinking its time to take a run

Summer garden. Thinking about urns, planters…

Peeking through to the pool.

Peeking through to the pool.

Terraces, flower beds, pool side... I am thinking about the stunning selection at Janus et Cie one might put around the pool. (Still obsessed with Janus et Cie).

Terraces, flower beds, pool side… I am thinking about the stunning selection at Janus et Cie one might put around the pool. (Still obsessed with Janus et Cie).

Another angle of the pool. As you can see, its private and will be a wonderful place to find you self floating in August!

Another angle of the pool. As you can see, its private and will be a wonderful place to find you self floating in August!

Living room at 3 Nolan Lane. Note sunroom at the end.

Living room at 3 Nolen Lane. Note sunroom at the end.

An idea for the sun room off the living room. By Henrietta Spencer-Churchill

An idea for the sun room off the living room by Henrietta Spencer-Churchill.


Sun filled and comfortable living room. By Suzanne Kasler

Sun filled and comfortable living room by Suzanne Kasler.


Another living room I love by Suzanne Kasler.

Another living room I love by Suzanne Kasler. Would be smashing here on Nolen Lane.

I love this room as well. By Henrietta Spencer-Churchill.

I love this room as well. By Henrietta Spencer-Churchill. Nice Bar!

Living room at Nolan Lane.

Dining room at Nolen Lane.

A dining room by Suzanne Kasler. Love that grass cloth on the walls. Chic and makes the room a little less formal.

A dining room by Suzanne Kasler. Love that grass cloth on the walls. Chic and makes the room a little less formal. Love the Ironstone.  Great for all the peonies in bloom now!

Or, maybe do what Henrietta Spencer-Chruchill might do. Here is one of hers. Love it too!

Or, maybe do what Henrietta Spencer-Chruchill might do. Here is one of hers.  A little more formal.  Love it too!

Family Room off kitchen at Nolan Lane.

Family Room off kitchen at Nolen Lane.

One of Henrietta Spencer-Churchill's kitchens. Could be very cool on Nolan Lane.

One of Henrietta Spencer-Churchill’s laundry. Could be very cool on Nolen Lane.  There is plenty of space for a fab room like this!

The architect Jan Vink built three or four of the quintessential Connecticut colonials on this street. Now, all these years later, they are still oozing curb appeal.  Its a fabulous street with lots of “residential eye candy”.  If you are in the market for something that stands out, you need to see this. Please call us if you want to see it.  We would love to show you this property.  (And no, I won’t make anyone listen to Handel’s Messiah!)




If you are currently working with an agent, this is not a solicitation.

Photos curtesy of Suzanne Kasler and Spencer-Churchill Designs


Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Kelly Associates now has a new app for your phone. We spend most of our time in the car so don’t wait to get home to find a listing, check it out right on your phone (not while driving but rather waiting for Johnny in the pickup line).  In this busy market make sure you have as much information as possible when you are on the go.  Our listings this spring had accepted offers (with multiple offers), both in just a couple short days.  You need to get in as soon as possible and this app allows you to do that. Just go to the app store and search for Kelly Associates.



Friday, May 17, 2013

Sitting high up on the hill….probably one of the drier homes around.

17 Sammis Street is a wonderful renovation that sits right across the street from from Farm Creek Preserve in Rowayton. Now asking $1,895,000, it has 4 nicely sized bedrooms, over 4000 square feet and a wonderful location (and season water views). Listed by Amdanda Briggs at Kelly Associates.


Dark ‘N’ Stormy anyone?


I would love to see a pop of art or some colored grasscloth.

You walk into a large foyer that is filled with sunshine (does it ever rain in Rowayton?)  The kitchen is open and crisp. It opens to the breakfast area, family room and beyond that, the patio. The dining room also opens out to the terrace, which I love.  I think it is so romantic to have a dinner party with the doors open on a rainy night. There is also a living room and bedroom on the first floor.


The living room has seasonal water views through those french doors.


The kitchen also has seasonal water views.


Easy living here in this chic kitchen/breakfast/family room.


The view from the family room to the kitchen.


Dining room.

Upstairs are 2 bedrooms and a beautiful landing.


498852-1024whThe main event is the Master Bedroom.  I loved the room and have to admit, wanted to take the beautiful Schumacher curtains with me (they are not included but will give you inspiration for the room). The dressing room is gorgeous with its cocoa grasscloth and pink shades….something you would see in House Beautiful. You don’t even pay attention to the wonderful closet, the dressing room is so gorgeous.




It is hard to tell but the clawfoot tub is a light grey blue.


Nice large basement area for the kids.


The mudroom is right off the garage. It is downstairs so you will never see the clutter.


Come check out 17 Sammis Street and fall into summer with a fabulous new home!





If you are working with an agent, this is not a solicitation.

HGTV DOORY Award Nominee in the Victorian category

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

This will make a fabulous ‘homestead’ for someone looking in Rowayton.



This is a house to love!  I am not going to call this a “diamond in the rough” because it is more like a “minors cut”. It shines on its own with great brilliance, but with a few more facets – i.e. a little work- this house will be simply splendid. If you like this vintage, I promise this will not disappoint!  5 bedrooms/ 2 1/2 baths, asking $925,000 offered through Amanda Briggs at Kelly Associates.  If you are interested in seeing this property, please call us.


259 Rowayton Avenue

Lots of patina… including in the stone walls and gates

A wide wrap around porch

A porch that will surely the center piece of many fun parties!

Fabulous exterior detail

It feels like the South of France!

Shady retreat outside the kitchen.

Great ceiling height here and everywhere.

The fabulous winding staircase takes you all the way to the third floor.

One of the many nooks that adds to the charm in the house.

Comfortable and cozy. A very lovely room to live in.

Bar area in-between the living room and dining room. Imagine your favorite wall paper here!

Always an added benefit to have a fireplace in the dining room.

Such a luxury to have established and beautiful trees!








If you are currently working with an agent, this is not a solicitation.


Monday, April 29, 2013

The frenzied market in the last few weeks has brought buyers to their knees, throwing offers as fast as they can at houses they have barely seen.  The sweet spot seems to be in in the $950,000 – $1,250,000 range – exactly where the market is thriving in many towns.  This is good news for the sellers in this price point.

The even better news is that we have THE BEST HOUSE on the market in that price range now.  It came on today, and we are certain all those buyers out there will agree.  (The one’s who missed out on the recent bidding, or were not the lucky winners of recent “best and final offers”, will be relieved when they see this house!)

Farrow & Ball blue front door. The first of many details that make this house absolutely lovely.

Farrow & Ball blue front door. The first of many details that make this house absolutely lovely.

13 Oak Park Avenue  is super charming, fabulously renovated, and has smashing curb appeal. The  three bedrooms, two and a half baths, formal living room and dining room, great ‘eat in” kitchen, family room and finished basement all come together as a “perfect jewel box”.  Offered at $1,100,000 through Abigail Moore and Kim Swift at Kelly Associates. SOLD AND CLOSED.

Scale, proportion, and the large fireplace establish the focus points for a gorgeous living room.

Scale, proportion, and the large fireplace establish the
focus points for a gorgeous living room.


By adding beautiful details such as a classicaly modern pendant, and excellent paint job make this dining room sophisticated and chic.

Beautiful details such as a classicaly modern pendant, and an excellent paint job create a  sophisticated and chic dining room.


Soothing palate, and looking over beautiful Cherry Blossoms, a beautiful Master Bedroom is always where we want to end the day.

A soothing palate, and looking over beautiful Cherry blossoms; a beautiful master bedroom is always where we want to end the day.


A special nook.. A special detail in the master. Makes a wonderful spot for a desk.

A special nook.. A special detail in the master. It makes a wonderful spot for a desk.


"Fab Master Bath"... Need I say more? With radiant floors!

“Fab Master Bath”… Need I say more? With radiant floors!


Clean lines, Carrera marble counter tops and stainless appliances in an eat in kitchen. Simple is ALWAYS better!

Clean lines, Carrera marble counter tops, and stainless appliances in an eat in kitchen. Simple is ALWAYS better!


"family room", play room, den, or library. Which ever it becomes for you, it is sun filled and with windows on three sides (includes a door to the deck).

“family room”, play room, den, or library. Which ever it becomes for you, it is sun filled and with windows on three sides (includes a door to the deck).


Love this second out door sitting area!

Love this second out door sitting area!



Beautiful, flat garden.

Beautiful, flat garden.


Of course, everything is always better up close.  Let us know if you would like to see this fabulous house.

Call us!






GORGEOUS and AVAILABLE : Let’s make a deal!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Now that Summer is upon us some of you maybe contemplating a move to that fab “on the sound” town, Rowayton.  Rowayton has some fantastic properties on the market and we think there are a few that stand out,  Of course the range is huge in Rowayton, but at any level in the market you will find something special. LET’S MAKE A DEAL!

 13 1/2 Witch Lane


Love this picture! All lit up and fabulous.

This five bedroom/four bath house, built in 2009, has been tweeked and perfected with gorgeous terracing and landscaping, and finishes inside.  Don’t fret about the stairs, there is an elevator here to drop you on any floor you want to be on!  Asking $1,695,000 offered through Lorraine Leonard at Keller Williams Associates


Open floor plan which is so nice for entertaining.

Comfortable and livable space.

Comfortable and livable space.

Terracing and privacy are part of the package here!

Terracing and privacy are part of the complete package here!


46 Roton Avenue 

Gorge! Love this house. You have to see the staircase! This is a terrific example of how a good renovation works.

This fabulously renovated Victorian, in an awesome Rowayton location, has ten rooms, several fireplaces and lots of special details.  4 bedrooms/ 2 1/2 baths, and a separate two car garage! ( You know how I like those separate garages!)  Fantastic curb appeal, and a front door to love!  Definitely a house that Katie Ridder would have fun with.  Her book Rooms will inspire you here for sure.  This is a winner.  Check it out. Asking $1,929,000, offered through Sheree Frank at Kelly Associates.

Lovely ceiling height, and we love a good square dining room!

Lovely ceiling height, and we love a good square dining room!

Modern open kitchen in an beatiiful old house

Modern open kitchen in an beatiiful old house.

17 Sammis Street

17 Sammis.  One of our favorites!

17 Sammis. One of our favorites!

We have blogged about this house before; cant believe it is still available!  The renovation of this house was creative and well done. Transformational even…  The rooms are large, ceiling height is great, and sunlight streams into this waterside beauty.  4 bedrooms/3 1/2 baths, close to town, and an easy walk to the beach.  Not sure that the owner is leaving all the beautiful treatments, but I am certain Celerie Kemble would have some great ideas on how to make this your very own “fabulousness”.  Asking $1,895,000.  Offered through Amanda Briggs at Kelly Associates.

Fabulous and well planned kitchen that open up to the...

Fabulous and well planned kitchen that open up to the…

the family room!

Great room!

Gorgeous Master Bedroom! And, beautifully appointed.

Gorgeous Master Bedroom! And, beautifully appointed.

What's not to love about a luxurious dressing room.

What’s not to love about a luxurious dressing room.


17 South Beach Drive

ohhh lala! This is what you can call "waterfront".

ohhh lala! This is what you can call “waterfront”.   

Fabulously renovated, more light and views than you will know what to do with, and you have the opportunity to own it now! 5 bedrooms/3 1/2 baths, and more views… Bell Island’s private beach, boat storage and available mooring complete what the broker calls “beachfront perfection”.  OMG! Where else could be on Madison Avenue by day and South Beach Drive by night?  We call this LIFESTYLE perfection.  Asking $4,150,000.  Offered by Amanda Brigss through Kelly Associates.


Need we say more?


Great entertaining space.


Comfortable. Easy. Chic!


Sea breeze and cocktails. And the living is easy…

The weather is getting fantastic.  Its a great time to get out and see what is on the market!

If you are currently working with an agent, this is not a solicitation.

Stop Right There! You gotta know right now.* – CONTRACT SIGNED

Tuesday, April 2, 2013
The front door.  A very important place to start.  The house has fantastic curb appeal.

The front door. A very important place to start. The house has fantastic curb appeal.

You will not believe how charming this 1931 cape is! 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, living room, dining room and “screened in porch” all creating a fabulous flow for a party in your new house!  Yes, this is our listing, but we would NEVER lead you on about something as important as a floor plan!  And, yes, the we love the vintage.  This is a SOLID HOUSE! We are very excited to list 60 Gardiner Street.  Asking $1,099,000.  Our first Brokers Open House is Thursday, April 4th. We are taking appointments starting on Thursday at 12;30.  Please call us if you would like to see this fantastic house, convenient to trains, shopping and the beaches.

Generously proportioned foyer leads to dining room on one side...

Generously proportioned foyer leads to dining room on one side…


And living room on the other.

And living room on the other.


Love the Viking (dark blue enamel). You absolutely can put a hood on that if you want to.

Love the Viking (dark blue enamel/brass handle). You absolutely can put a hood on that if you want to. Deep counter tops and the island make for excellent cooking space.  Also, the bay window lets in so much light!


The Family Room is sun filled and has doors leading to the screened in porch as well as the wrap around deck. I can not emphasize enough how much sunlight you get in this room!

The Family Room is sun filled, and has doors leading to the screened in porch as well as the wrap around deck. I can not emphasize enough how much sunlight you get in this room!

Brokers love to talk about "flat yards".  Well, we've got one for you, and it really is big.  The gardening possibilities here abound!

Brokers love to talk about “flat yards”. Well, we’ve got one for you, and it really is big. The gardening possibilities here abound!




* curtesy of Meatloaf… “paradise by the dash board light” in our own words.

Middlesex Stunner… take II NO LONGER ON THE MARKET

Sunday, March 24, 2013
527 Middlesex

527 Middlesex Road

527 Middlesex, a gorgeous house we blogged about a few weeks ago, has a new site that the listing broker, Cathy Lawton, put together.  It is absolutely stunning.  The photography is fantastic; it almost makes you feel as if you are in the house while you look through the site. Rarely do we see a broker bring a property to market with something that will knock a buyers socks off! This just might do the trick. Asking $4,495,000 through Kelly Associates.

There site is fabulous. Check it out at Grim&Boesch Estate Portrayal.

beautiful materials

Beautiful materials

My heart goes pitter patter when I see a house marketed so well….  Love this house.




All photos courtesy of Grim&Boesch Estate Portrayal LLC.

13 Searles Road

Thursday, March 14, 2013

13 Searles is a beauty.


Frazier Peters was an American architect of stone houses between 1920 and 1950. He lived in Westport where most of his houses can be found but Tokeneke hosts several of these beautiful landmarks. One is back on the market after being on for some time last year. It has a new price of $2,775,000 listed through Kelly Associates, 5 bedrooms, 4764 square feet and 1 flat acre. It is empty which really shows off the handsome floors and details that make it a house that you can do something unique with.



The stone, the slate…L-O-V-E!


The living room at the center of the house.


A family room retreat.

I was looking at the work of Betsy Burnham of Burnham Design and thought this look would fit right into this space. What do you think?




Betsy is from the East Coast (can you tell) but now lives in Los Angeles.bh_30



Photos by Burnham Design and Kelly Associates

If you are working with an agent, this is not a solicitation.

Middlesex Stunner – NO LONGER ON THE MARKET

Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Middlesex fabulousness

Middlesex fabulousness

There is a new listing on Middlesex. I saw it a few years ago when the Builder – a guy from Rowayton – was finishing it, and listing it for sale with his wife (a local Darien broker). It was the nicest “new construct” I had seen in a long time. Every detail was so beautiful, the space was big but not like a McMansion; it felt so gracious. I seem to recall that De Terlizzi did some work with the builder adding very beautiful finishes and touches of color that pop even in their subtlety. At the time I was thinking that if I was going to move out of the city, this would be the house!(A girl can dream can’t she!) Of course, someone else bought it, and now it’s on the market again. Offered through Kelly Associates with Cathy Lawton. Asking $4,495,000.

Some highlights:


Beautiful wide front entry

Beautiful wide front entry.  The hall looks through the living room, keeping it only two or two and a half rooms deep.  Very nice scale, and light coming in from all rooms.


Sunroom for all seasons

Sunroom for all seasons.


A Kitchen to die for

A kitchen to die for. Even more so in person. Custom cabinets make all the difference!


Thick carrera marble on the island.  The weight of the materials in this kitchen is marvelous.

Thick (2 inches)  Calcuta marble on the island. The quality of the materials in this kitchen is marvelous.


The bar

The bar.  No, sorry, the Barbies do not come with the house 🙂


The Mudroom.  My favorite room! Great brick floor.  Tons of storage, and cabinetry to keep what you want out of sight!  Accessible to the 3 car garage and a back entrance for packages and little hockey players!

The Mudroom. My favorite room! Great brick floor. Tons of storage, and cabinetry to keep what you want out of sight! Accessible to the 3 car garage and a back entrance for packages and little hockey players!


Its rare to take a peek at the powder room... but this one! Oh the wallpaper possibilities!  This paper is a pretty nice choice.

Its rare to take a peek at the powder room… but this one… Oh! the wallpaper possibilities! (This paper is a pretty nice choice).


A good house has a good upstairs landing.  Case in point...

A good house has a good upstairs landing. Case in point… showcasing beautiful moulding and beautiful paneled walls. Simple yet substantial.


Gorgeous master bath, of course en suite with big walk-in closets and dressing area.

Gorgeous master bath, of course en suite with big walk-in closets and dressing area.


A nice place to watch Downton Abbey! Your friends will love joining you for that.

A nice place to watch Downton Abbey! Your friends will love joining you for that. Three rows of seats assures a place for everyone.


Terrace off the sunroom, lovely for summertime entertaining.

Terrace off the sunroom, lovely for summertime entertaining. (Love the lattice railing above.)


A great house, front and back!

A great house, front and back! Croquet, badminton, bocce, what ever you like.  There is plenty of room on the back lawn for all your favorite outdoor games.


Top of the list for my pick for a decorator for this one? Meg Braff, or Philip Gorrivan would bring great ideas and execute a wonderful fresh, chic yet timeless interior for this house. Check out their sites if you haven’t before. Or, maybe Victoria Hagan, if you want to keep the “biz” local.Take a look at Victoria’s recent book for some inspiration. Great mudroom in that book!

Listing curtesy of Kelly Associates, Darien CT.

If you are currently working with an agent, this is not a solicitation.

Middlesex Makeover

Sunday, March 10, 2013


Have you noticed lately what is going on all along Middlesex Road?  Home after new home has been popping up between Noroton Avenue and Leroy Avenue. Just recently a small red house was bought, and just like that, a gorgeous large home has taken its place. I sense another opportunity coming up at 327 Middlesex Road, just across from Leroy Avenue. Yes, someone can buy this cape and live happily ever after but a more realistic scenario is a builder buying it and putting up a $2mm+ home.


1 flat acre

327 Middlesex Road is listed at $849,000 through (who else) Amy Barsanti at Kelly Associates.  We all know that this is one of our favorite locations….close to the Middle and High School, and the center of town so it is a matter of time before this property is snatched up.




If you are working with an agent, this is not a solicitation.

86 Nearwater Lane

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

If you are a customer who is looking for a truly magical experience, looking for landscaping that goes beyond the classic colonial rose garden, or peony bed, you must see 86 Nearwater Lane. Spring is almost here and gardens are on our minds.  This house will get anyone with or without a “green thumb” in the mood!  Listed by Megan Melhope at Kelly Associates, offered at $2,795,000.


Beautifully laid Belgian Block creates an interesting landscape for the front of the house.

Beautifully laid Belgian Block adds interesting architecture to the landscape in front of the house.


The design of the house takes advantage of every opportunity to bring the outdoors in.


An absolutely beautiful and special property over looking Goodwives River. Although more visible in the winter, there are glimpses of water through the trees. It’s so close!


A lower level terrace offers you the option of being down in the garden.


Another peaceful spot. Maybe this is where you sit in the heat of the summer.  So cool, and shady.


The variety of plants, both shady and for full sun, really create a unique outdoor experience here in Darien.


LOVE garden sculpture, urns, and planters. This place offers a fantastic opportunity to go crazy at a place like Treillage! Or go down to the Stamford Antique and Artisian Center. You will find fabulous pieces for the garden there.


It feels so far removed from the rest of Darien down here. Its so private.


Almost as though you were in another country.


Not a bad rear view!


The house is more than 6000 square feet.  It has 5 bedrooms, 5 full baths and 3 half baths, and a total of 14 rooms all within a unique floor plan that offers lots of entertaining space. The expected top of the line custom kitchen and finishes throughout the house were not half as impressive as the basement/utility room that is as clean and tidy as battle ship.  Needless to say this house is meticulously maintained.  What agents like to call “move in condition” .  We like to say  “just bring your decorator”!

If you are currently working with an agent, this is not a solicitation.

On top of Briar Brae

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Classic Connecticut colonial is what comes to mind when you think about real estate in Darien.  19 Briar Brae delivers just that.  SO tidy, SO nicely set up, and and a BRAND NEW FAB MASTER BATH!  (We haven’t seen one of these since Oak Park).  The light was pouring in throughout the house on the morning I saw it.  Yes, even in January/February you feel the light streaming in. The house sits high on the hill, and has a terrific FLAT yard.  Consider this 4 bedroom 3 1/2 bath house if you want something absolutely move-in ready.  Asking $1,749,000. Listed by Ellen McCue at Kelly Associates. THIS PROPERTY HAS AN ACCEPTED OFFER AND IS NOT BEING SHOWN.

Top O'Hill

Top O’Hill.  I can see a coat of Tennis Court White and some pale ocean green shutters.  Check out Farrow & Ball’s new colors this season.

front hall

There are a lot of nice details to work with, including the arched doorway into the living room.


Its a bright red, but what would Mary McDonald do?  A little black, a little orange, a little chinoiserie chic! And, note the arched door here.


This is a nice clean palate to work with for some great decorating. I was recently reminded how fabulous Brunschwig’s “La Portugaise” is. Might look great in this room. A classic that lives on.  Thank you Albert…


Fabulous size for a master bedroom. The fireplace is a nice detail, but what’s really important is the master bath that is brand new. It’s so new it wasn’t ready for the photos! I saw the space. It’s great!


Oh yes, the flat back yard! The stone wall is another detail not to be over looked.


One of the three other bedrooms. Each is in tip top shape, very tidy, very ready for all those toys (I saw absolutely no hand marks or crayon marks on the walls. WOW!)


The “great” room, off the kitchen.  Meg Braff has some gorgeous wall papers that would look fabulous in this room. She’s got one called Sporting D’ete that would be perfect. The double doors lead out to the terrace.


The kitchen is in great shape and is a good working space for someone who likes to cook. One of those Oomph lanterns would look amazing here!

It so rare to find a place that you can just move into and start decorating.  The possibilities are endless.  The other bonus here is that it is a straight shot up to New Canaan’s Waveny Park, and Elm Street shopping.  Kind of nice to have Darien’s conveniences and New Canaan so easily accessible.

The Spring market is heating up so get a move on!  Check this one out if you are looking for a house with lots of  space (and bathrooms!  there are 3 1/2!).

If you would like to see this house, please call us.  We would love to show it!

If you are currently working with an agent, this is not a solicitation.

Are we on the verge of a changing market? It sure seems that way.

Friday, February 8, 2013

The market is really heating up!  The pace is now running with “the bulls” and if you are serious about getting into the market, now is probably a good time.


A couple of new houses to consider:

15 WILSON RIDGE – Charming, four bedrooms, move-in condition.  What else would you want ?  A perfect solution for someone who wants to jump to a bigger space. It sits on a nice piece of property, privately tucked on the back of Wilson Ridge. This won’t last. Listed by Sheree Frank at Kelly Associates. Asking $1,425,000.

15 Wilson Ridge.  A very nice four bedroom Garrison Colonial

15 Wilson Ridge. A very nice Garrison Colonial


What everyone asks for… a large flat yard!


Imagine your beautiful things in this room. Very nice!


15 SHIELDS – If you want an appointment to see this, get in line. I hear they are running back to back all week. This is an elegant and beautifully maintained house with access to a private tennis court and amenities that include snow plowing and road maintenance. Great grown up house with kid friendly space. Some good bang for the buck here. Listed by Sheree Frank at Kelly Associates. Asking $1,735,000.

15 Shields

15 Shields


What we call “grown up, gracious space”.


Great ceiling height and lots of light in this dining room.

2 BISHOPS GATE – This is a fabulous and authentic reproduction of the original 1773 house owned by the Bishops. Completely redone with top of the line materials and finishes. The house shows beautifully with the owners gorgeous fabrics and furniture. It is just off the Post Road, but they have well designed landscaping so you really don’t know it when you are enjoying your summer evenings on terrace. Bring it on Frontgate. Here’s to suburban living! Listed by Cathy Lawton at Kelly Associates. Asking $2,499,000.

Really like the back of the house.

Really like the back of the house.

Oohh la la... what a kitchen!

Oohh la la… what a kitchen!





















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