Saturday, March 2, 2013How time flies when you blog!
It seems like yesterday when we started working together, driving around town looking at real estate for sale, throwing opinions and thoughts around on everything from shutter construction to gravel driveways and the proper stone wall. We are “wanna be” architects, fabric designers and antique dealers. Looking for the perfect house for a customer, or working with a seller is more than the transaction for us. It’s the love of all things that go along with owning a home.
So we thought it would be a great idea to start a dialogue – a blog – to throw around and share all the ideas and thoughts we pick up out on the trail. Talking about the houses we love and the details we see that make a house someone’s home, both inside and out.
Here are some of the exciting things that happened at Real in Darien this year:
We averaged 2.5 blogs a week!!!
We ventured into Rowayton as an extension of the Darien market.
We added our consignment page for the love of great secondhand finds.
We realized quickly we live in a community filled with dynamic and extremely talented neighbors and friends. We call them our Local Lusts.
We hosted our first trunk show, featuring Sister Parish, at 593 Hollow Tree Ridge Road.
We met Miles Redd and Jeffrey Bilhuber… highlights of our year!
We have grand goals and big ideas for our second year, including more great content and exciting deals on the horizon. We also have big news to announce….stay tuned!
We are passionate about what we LOVE and we hope our blogs reflect that. Thank you for your support, your “likes” and subscriptions, and your constant encouragement. We have made a few mistakes along the way but are not afraid to to learn from them. More importantly, we will not let a few critics stop us from trying something new. We are grateful to our firm, Kelly Associates, for their support and abitlity to see the big picture in this business. We are on this ride for the long haul….enjoying every minute!
-Kim & Abigail
Valentines for lunch
Friday, February 15, 2013A PERFECT DAY…having lunch at home with good friends.
Valentines Day can be a day to appreciate any love we have in our lives. The older I get (yet I am only 29), the more important it becomes. And of course the Veuve Clicquot (for lunch)doesn’t hurt.
Our local lust hits House Beautiful
Tuesday, February 12, 2013The color section is one of my favorite parts of House Beautiful. I even bought the special issue they put out a few years ago (and was also made into a book). I just love color on walls, and love to experiment even if I have to fix it (and yes, repaint a room). I could start a second hand paint sample store if I wanted to.
I jumped for joy when I saw our very own Annie Mahoney as one of the decorators talking about her favorite color. They were specifically talking about which color to use from room to room and the color was black…one of my favorites! Maybe I will break out the paint samples and pick a hall or room to try today.
Check out Annie’s new website…it is fantastic and full of her creative designs.
Bunny Williams. Always reliable…
Tuesday, January 29, 2013I have started to read Veranda more than I ever have. I used to find the interiors they highlight hard to identify with.
But now I get so many ideas from their pages, it is a “must read” in the monthly “mag line up”. Does this mean my family has finally grown away from leaving the sports equipment everywhere? That the dogs have finally figured out that they have a warm bed for their own use? Not at all. The dogs inner honing devices are better than ever at finding the Cowtan & Tout. They reject anything from Ikea. And, it will be a long time before I stop tripping over the size 15 basketball sneakers left around the house (getting it from both husband and son)! What it means is that I have come to terms with living with both the family and what I love: fabrics, furniture, art, grandmothers chaise, antique tables, and anything else that falls under “LOVE IT SO LIVE WITH IT” category.
Life is short so don’t worry if the dogs are sleeping on the couch, or if the boys pick up their shoes. In the current issue of Veranda, Bunny Williams tackles family life: dogs, kids and grown-up all living fabulously together. Get inspired!
all photography by Francesco Langese, published in Veranda
Wish we could show you this house, but it’s not on the market. But, there are many others that are on the market, so call us if you would like to look around.
If you are currently working with an agent, this is not a solicitation.
New England HOME
Sunday, January 27, 2013I came across an article in New England HOME (current issue) that showcased a house in nearby Southport, CT. It’s no wonder it caught my eye; the owner worked with Albert Hadley, and the Hadley influence runs throughout. Luckily for us, Albert Hadley lives on though the eyes of a few very talented decorators for true inspiration. Check out this is livable, unpretentious and fabulous home.
The story was produced by Stacey Kunstel. Photography by John Gould Bessler/Interior Design by Parker Rogers, Parker & Co.
Really like this magazine. There are several fantastic articles this month worth a look. The website is Check it out!
Winner of our Holiday Giveaway is…..
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
We loved how unique this display of antique ornaments looked in these vintage lights. The perfect way to keep them safe from little fingers or unstable trees. Kessa bought the lights in a store in New York called Olde Good Things on 24th Street. She intended to hang them in her home in Block Island, but her contractor told her they could not be wired. So she hauled them back home. She had a whole bunch of antique ornaments that she brought home from Brimfield (the blue, silver and purple ones) she decided to fill them with. The other one was filled with ornaments that her husband’s grandmother had when she passed away. She tells us that it is a wonderful reminder for her family of their grandmother and a unique and special way to preserve some old treasures. We know Miles Redd would agree!!!!
Thank you to everyone who submitted entries to our first annual Holiday Giveaway. It was so fun for us (but extremely hard to choose a winner) and we loved all the vignettes. Enjoy your new book Kessa…’s going to look great in that barn red farmhouse of yours!
Happy New Year!
Tuesday, December 25, 2012The TOP PICK of Christmas is……
Tuesday, December 25, 2012Our final pick of Chrismas is our favorite house of all time! My good friend has a daughter that wants a dollhosue for Christams After searching for one she decided to make her own. What started out as a simple project turned into a labor of love. From the cedar shakes, to the shutters, clapboard and stone foundation, it was the most beautiful and important bulld of all time. It took hours, days and months of meticulous and painstaking planning, cutting, gluing etc. She put different paneling in the rooms, used an assortment of wallpaper and rugs (cut from remnants of fabric she had) and even used pieces to make into lamps or accessories.

Chinoisserie Chic would love this…pagoda mirror and chest. She made the light fixture and the coral is hers that was found in the Bahamas.

Dreamy, dreamy
My friend is amazing and I am sure her whole family agrees.
We wish you all a Merry, Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year. We hope you love our 12th pick of Christmas. We know her daughter does!
4 more days until our Holiday Giveaway
Tuesday, December 18, 2012Don’t forget to send us a picture of your holiday vignette for a chance to win “The Big Book of Chic” from Miles Redd. We have received some simple, whimsical, hilarious and classic entries. Don’t be shy….we love them all. Send your entry by December 22 to, for a chance to win this gorgeous book.
Sending love to Newtown
Sunday, December 16, 2012Our hearts are broken after the events on Friday in Newtown, a wonderful community much like our own. We blog about homes with great architecture and beautiful interiors but today we wish for nothing more than the homes in Newtown to be a haven for comfort and healing. Because architecture and interiors are nothing without love and community. We know life goes on but we do so with heavy hearts.
Saturday, December 1, 2012We are in the spirit here at Real in Darien. After a tumultuous fall:Hurricane Sandy, the election, and the apprehension of a financial cliff, we thought we all needed something to celebrate and look forward to. So we are having our first REAL IN DARIEN HOLIDAY GIVEAWAY. All you have to do is send in a picture of your very own HOLIDAY VIGNETTE – your front door, mantle, or any festive shot in your home by December 22nd to BE CREATIVE. To win, you must show your ability to think outside the box. Go for it! The winner will receive their very own copy of “The Big Book of Chic” by our favorite lust of all time, Miles Redd.

This book is full of gorgeous rooms inspired by a true genius. It also looks fabulous on your coffee table.
We will then be giving away our favorite “THE BOOK OF CHIC” book by Miles Redd.
Be creative and send your pictures to by December 22nd. Be creative and have fun!
Getting ready for Christmas
Friday, November 30, 2012The second Thanksgiving is over people move right into Christmas, and decorating for the holiday. For a long time I resisted and waited until at least the first week of December to pass so I could feel the season coming on. The air changes and the leaves are truly gone after Thanksgiving. It starts to feel like December. Over the years I have given in, earlier and earlier, and now on December 1, I will start to DECK THE HALLS! I felt inspired by some photos I have seen recently.
December will be a fun month for us here at Real in Darien. We have a fun CONTEST coming up, and we will be showcasing the 12 PICKS FOR CHRISTMAS. Maybe a set of house keys will find their way under your tree!

Stephen Sills…keep it about the spirit of giving. But, these presents do look so elegant and fabulous under the tree.

rushing through the snow…Very excited for a fun and festive Christmas. With any luck it will be a white one!
Happy Thanksgiving
Wednesday, November 21, 2012Wishing everyone a wonderful, safe and happy Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving is one of our favorite family holidays of the year. There are so many ways to make coming home to celebrate beautiful and delicious. Have fun with it. Thinking we should do a Holiday Door Contest next year! Any thoughts?

Setting a beautiful table makes an already special family/friends gathering even better. (Gotta love that Christopher Hyland tiger stripe on the dining chair!)
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving…..Abigail & Kim.
Wishing everyone a safe recovery
Monday, November 5, 2012What an incredible last seven days we have all had. We have a lot to be grateful for, yet we remain shocked and saddened at the damage and the loss so many people we know have suffered. Our hearts are with them. If there is anything you need, please reach out. There may be something we can do to help. We have received information from several different sources on short term rentals and other housing options.
Things are still not moving all that fast here at Real in Darien. Still no power (day 7). I am told it will be tomorrow but I don’t see any of the CL&P trucks around. I have no doubt they are working hard and as fast as they can, but this has been a long 7 days. Stay safe and warm.
Abigail and Kim