Archive for December, 2012

Cherry Christmas

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Let’s face it. Nice entertainment centers are hard to find, but this cherry veneer cabinet is chic. Comprised of one large center compartment suitable for multiple components and two side shelving units, it’s utilitarian and beautiful with dimensions of 20″ width, 75″ length, and 57″ height; however, I love this piece for its versatility and easily could see it as a bedroom armoire or elegant dining room addition, perfect for storing those lovely wedding gifts we often retrieve for special occasions.

Price:  $500

E-mail for assistance.

Big Baby News!

Monday, December 3, 2012

We are very excited about William and Kate’s news!  Congratulations!

The Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge


We will have to get to a Nursery blog soon!


Saturday, December 1, 2012

We are in the spirit here at Real in Darien.  After a tumultuous fall:Hurricane Sandy, the election, and the apprehension of a financial cliff, we thought we all needed something to celebrate and look forward to.  So we are having our first REAL IN DARIEN HOLIDAY GIVEAWAY.  All you have to do is send in a picture of your very own HOLIDAY VIGNETTE –  your front door, mantle, or any festive shot in your home by December 22nd to  BE CREATIVE. To win, you must show your ability to think outside the box. Go for it!  The winner will receive their very own copy of “The Big Book of  Chic” by our favorite lust of all time, Miles Redd.

This book is full of gorgeous rooms inspired by a true genius. It also looks fabulous on your coffee table.

Love the simplicity of this front door.

Try a swag instead of a predictable wreath.

Wish we saw more Williamsburg inspired doors.

Great Idea for an outdoor urn!

Trying to imagine how they made this stay put.

  We will then be giving away our favorite “THE BOOK OF CHIC” book by Miles Redd.

 Be creative and send your pictures to by December 22nd. Be creative and have fun!